平成24年6月 初聖体 & 第一回仙台教区外国人信徒集会(福島市)

初聖体(First Communion)

6月17日に4人の子供達が初聖体を受けました。初聖体を受ける子はかわいいドレスを着るのがあたりまえです。子供達はとてもパンをもらうのを楽しみにしていました。父母達や回りの人達も見守っていました。 信仰の事をいろいろ学んで、シスターの教えたとおりに初聖体の勉強を一生懸命やっていました。



ゆきみほ=教会にいくのは意味あるのかなって、ずっと思っていました。教会につれられて、本当はイヤでした。だけど、いつもつれられて友達ができました。侍者をしないかって進められて、少しきもちが変わりました。初聖体の勉強会をすると聞いたときに、それってなにと思いました。初聖体の前に勉強会があって、みんなと一緒に勉強 して、いろんなことをおぼえました 。教会に行くことがちょっとでも理解でき、初聖体をうけたことが、とっても嬉しかったです。私のなかでは、イエス様の事をいっぱい学べました。

折原みか=初聖体ってどう言う事か本当にわかりませんでした。けれどもいつも 教会につれられて、聞きたい事がいっぱいありました。たとえば、“ミサのときに、どうして、紙みたいな ものをみんな食べているのかな?”どうしても聞きたいから、お母さんに聞きました。“あれは紙じゃありません、ただで食べられません”と 教えられました。初聖体を受けなければならないと、お母さんが言いました。初聖体を受ける前に勉強会があっていろんな事を学べました。初聖体を受けた事がとっても嬉しかったです。




The First Gathering Of Foriegners in Sendai Diocese

 A year has passed since the nightmare of March 11 happened. It has been labeled in Japanese the 東北地方太平洋沖地震 (Tohoku-chiho Taiheiyo-oki Jishin), the biggest earthquake ever to hit Japan. It struck at 14.46 with a magnitude of 9.0 and was assigned the highest level 7 on the Japanese earthquake scale. Because of this, a lot of people were forced to abandon homes and businesses in the shadow of the Fukushima nuclear plant. Tens of thousands of refugees are still in limbo, unable to return and having to battle for compensation. Some of those who fled the clouds of radiation that spewed from the plant after it was swamped by last March's tsunami could be allowed home over the next few years as areas are decontaminated. But others may be unable to return for decades. Some towns will effectively pass into history, little more than names on a map where no one lives because it is too dangerous. Twelve months on from the disaster, few have received the compensation payouts they expected from the plant. Some feel helpless, with one describing the battle for compensation as in to “ants trying to tackle an elephant”.
Outside the zone in Fukushima prefecture as a whole, 1.5 million have been affected, with livelihoods lost. As farmland has been polluted, roads can’t be used and businesses _ such as hotels or shops _ closed.Another major problem they are facing now is the effects of the radiation. Nuclear victims still don't see a clear picture of how much damage they have suffered since it might not become apparent for many years.

With the First Gathering of Foreigners in Sendai Diocese held last Saturday, June 23rd , at Corasse Fukushima. A lot of participants from all over Japan attended in the hope of sharing to their fellow Christians any humanitarian help that they can offer. It’s just a big co-incidence that the total participants on that day is 311 which becomes more meaningful as the date of the calamity had happened exactly a year ago of the same date. The first workshop was focused on how the incident affected the lives of each and everyone. And from the information that was gathered, a lot of voluntary groups become united in order to be of service to their fellowmen.

The second workshop was more focused on how each and everyone can help, especially those who are still struggling for their daily life. The presence of Bishop Hiraga and Bishop Matsuura also helped because some people were able to ask personally how the church stands and what hope every church in Sendai Diocese wishes to convey to the higher authority of the church in Japan. As a whole it was indeed a very wholesome gathering with the hope of being united and be of service to every fellowmen especially foreigners living in Japan.(Cristine Sato)